Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Social networks and the future of money

Social networks have created new forms of money already and, as I spend more time playing with these virtual currencies, I can see how they may become the future of money, from a retail and consumer viewpoint anyway. For example, last November, I wrote about the threats of money laundering in virtual worlds. At the…

Microsoft pump money into Vista ads

Only because I feel badly about being so horrible about Microsoft and my rubbish PC, I thought I would be fair to them and let you know that Microsoft are putting significant marketing $’s into trying to turn around the negative views about Vista.  In one of the first major roll-outs they’ve put together the…

Internet hole worse than everyone thought

Following on from yesterday’s post, Dan Kaminsky spoke at the Black Hat Conference today and said that the hole he had found in the interent had been worse than feared, saying that "every network is at risk." The vulnerability is based upon the fact that DNS (Domain Name System) addresses are generated when you enter…

The Future Call Centre

I’ve long held the view that video over broadband will shake up retail banking.  Today, we can see the start of this trend through the use of remote advisors over video into branches but, tomorrow, it will be remote advisor to the lounge, study or mobile phone of the consumer at home. The fact that…

Massive security hole found in the core of the Internet

I thought this was an April Fool, but it’s August. Forbes reports that a massive security hole has been discovered in the base design of DNS addressing on the internet.  They quote Ken Silva, chief technology officer for VeriSign who manages dotcom and dotnet addressing on the internet.  Ken says: "There’s a bunch of money…

You can’t hide anything, Part 2: Apple

In the second of a new series, Steve Jobs at Apple sent out an internal email at midnight UK time, 4pm PST yesterday.  It’s now all over the internet and, like Microsoft’s entry in the first of this series, it shows you can’t hide anything anymore: Team, The launch of MobileMe was not our finest…

You can’t hide anything, Part 2: Apple

In the second of a new series, Steve Jobs at Apple sent out an internal email at midnight UK time, 4pm PST yesterday.  It’s now all over the internet and, like Microsoft’s entry in the first of this series, it shows you can’t hide anything anymore: Team, The launch of MobileMe was not our finest…

Goldmans systems mess up – black box algo questions

In April 2006, I made commentary about the opportunities and risks of algo trading with the view that "there are huge dangers and successful execution demands deep technological know-how. However, the only way in which markets can operate is to seek out and trade off risks against rewards, and the greater the risks, the greater…

Goldmans systems mess up – black box algo questions

In April 2006, I made commentary about the opportunities and risks of algo trading with the view that "there are huge dangers and successful execution demands deep technological know-how. However, the only way in which markets can operate is to seek out and trade off risks against rewards, and the greater the risks, the greater…

Goldmans systems mess up – black box algo questions

In April 2006, I made commentary about the opportunities and risks of algo trading with the view that "there are huge dangers and successful execution demands deep technological know-how. However, the only way in which markets can operate is to seek out and trade off risks against rewards, and the greater the risks, the greater…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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30 Best Regtech Blogs and Websites 2023

Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

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