Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Bank advert may not be appropriate

With the media running headlines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week saying that the world is imploding and it’s all the banks fault, I kinda think that some banks should cut back their ad spending or rethink it.  By way of example Halifax, the UK banking bit of HBOS that has been forced…

Bank advert may not be appropriate

With the media running headlines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week saying that the world is imploding and it’s all the banks fault, I kinda think that some banks should cut back their ad spending or rethink it.  By way of example Halifax, the UK banking bit of HBOS that has been forced…

Lehmans’ Fuld was paid almost $500 million

This is former CEO, Richard Fuld, giving testimony to Congress about Lehman Brothers’ collapse.  The sequence shows that since 2000, he took home $480 million in remuneration and bonuses and Mr. Fuld is trying to defend it: I wonder if this is the reason why his lights were punched out in the Gym?

Joking about the Credit Crunch

Thanks to Paul Penrose for pointing me to the BBC website where they have not just one, but two pages of jokes about the credit crunch.  Here’s a few that made me laugh:   An elderly lady receives an e-mail from the son of a deceased (but wealthy) African general, asking whether he could transfer…

Gordon Brown’s podcast on the bank bailout

For those interested, you can hear UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, talking about our banking crisis on the new Downing Street podcast service (4 MB download) or you can read the transcript. Here are a few extracts: "I know you’ll be anxious about events of the last few days and weeks – and worried about…

Take the low hanging fruit

I went to an interesting conference this week . The numbers were down on the organiser’s expectations, and the audience spent more time using their Blackberries to read the news headlines than listening to the presentations, but there were some interesting aspects that cropped up. For example, the fact that the organiser had given everyone…

Take the low hanging fruit

I went to an interesting conference this week . The numbers were down on the organiser’s expectations, and the audience spent more time using their Blackberries to read the news headlines than listening to the presentations, but there were some interesting aspects that cropped up. For example, the fact that the organiser had given everyone…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser