Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


People think more about money than sex

A recent quote was on a UK poster. The quote was from Jeremy Clarkson, the biggest bloke (translates into yob, lout, brute) in Britain, and it said: “money and rumpy-pumpy are the twin engines powering everything we do”. … in other words, money and sex make the world go around. Now, there is some truth…


James Wolfensohn’s vision of 2050

The ACT summit in Edinburgh has had a wide range of speakers of variable quality. However, today’s keynote is one that most people take note of: James Wolfensohn. Wolfensohn is well-known for an illustrious career, including close work with Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, and a tenure as President of the…

James Wolfensohn’s vision of 2050

The ACT summit in Edinburgh has had a wide range of speakers of variable quality. However, today’s keynote is one that most people take note of: James Wolfensohn. Wolfensohn is well-known for an illustrious career, including close work with Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, and a tenure as President of the…

James Wolfensohn’s vision of 2050

The ACT summit in Edinburgh has had a wide range of speakers of variable quality. However, today’s keynote is one that most people take note of: James Wolfensohn. Wolfensohn is well-known for an illustrious career, including close work with Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, and a tenure as President of the…

Government websites hacked so that they install malware

Two interesting stories on hacking this week.  The first is a joke and the second is worrisome. The joke is that we have a race here in London.  The race is to see who can win the vote for Mayor of London this Thursday: Ken Livingstone (Labour) or Boris Johnson (Conservative).  Sorry, that’s not the…

Government websites hacked so that they install malware

Two interesting stories on hacking this week.  The first is a joke and the second is worrisome. The joke is that we have a race here in London.  The race is to see who can win the vote for Mayor of London this Thursday: Ken Livingstone (Labour) or Boris Johnson (Conservative).  Sorry, that’s not the…

Government websites hacked so that they install malware

Two interesting stories on hacking this week.  The first is a joke and the second is worrisome. The joke is that we have a race here in London.  The race is to see who can win the vote for Mayor of London this Thursday: Ken Livingstone (Labour) or Boris Johnson (Conservative).  Sorry, that’s not the…

No more sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll

The best story of the week is the leaked email from Der Spiegel of Deutsche Bank’s instructions to employees to give up their sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. As the credit crunch hits, no more market excesses are allowed, with Deutsche’s staff to shave and shower at airports (instead of booking into hotels),…

No more sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll

The best story of the week is the leaked email from Der Spiegel of Deutsche Bank’s instructions to employees to give up their sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. As the credit crunch hits, no more market excesses are allowed, with Deutsche’s staff to shave and shower at airports (instead of booking into hotels),…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser