Steve Forbes versus Alan Greenspan, Round One
So yesterday we had Alan Greenspan in the morning at the BAI Retail Delivery Show. Caesar’s Palace if they were put in the ring together so I guess they don’t like each other very much. Forbes, who is chairing Rudy Giuliani’s campaign for the Presidential office this year, was outspoken and funny. His role…
Steve Forbes versus Alan Greenspan, Round One
So yesterday we had Alan Greenspan in the morning at the BAI Retail Delivery Show. Caesar’s Palace if they were put in the ring together so I guess they don’t like each other very much. Forbes, who is chairing Rudy Giuliani’s campaign for the Presidential office this year, was outspoken and funny. His role…
Steve Forbes versus Alan Greenspan, Round One
So yesterday we had Alan Greenspan in the morning at the BAI Retail Delivery Show. Caesar’s Palace if they were put in the ring together so I guess they don’t like each other very much. Forbes, who is chairing Rudy Giuliani’s campaign for the Presidential office this year, was outspoken and funny. His role…
Hacking into social networks
Fascinating report in today’s Forbes around social networks being easy fodder for hackers and therefore criminals. The firms at stake include everyone from Google through Facebook, and it is all due to the fact that the more open these communities become for developers to provide common applications, the more flawed they become to vulnerabilities. Here’s…
Hacking into social networks
Fascinating report in today’s Forbes around social networks being easy fodder for hackers and therefore criminals. The firms at stake include everyone from Google through Facebook, and it is all due to the fact that the more open these communities become for developers to provide common applications, the more flawed they become to vulnerabilities. Here’s…
Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser