Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Is T2S a complete waste of time and money?

Another day and more news about blockchain, this time in the wholesale financial markets.  I’m presenting at a conference later this week, and the organisers asked me to think about collateral management.  This is a subject that has been perplexing our capital markets group in London, as EMIR (the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation) mandated that…

Do banks need to change so fast?

An interesting report from the BBC: Banks in the UK and across Europe could lose their best customers if they fail to make massive investments in mobile banking and marketing.  Traditional 'retail' banks are most at risk, according to a survey by Deloitte Consulting, which talked to senior executives of 133 banks and insurance companies…

Social lending is not so social

This post was first published on SAP for Banking Many markets are being 'disrupted' by peer-to-peer (P2P) connectivity and new open marketplaces.  Think Uber for taxis and Airbnb for hotels.  These are the new marketplaces for personal transport and accommodation.   Some say that P2P lending is the new marketplace for financial credit.  From mortgages to…

Lending Club and Prosper.png

Fintech is not disruptive, as banks adapt and thrive

I’ve written a lot about banking not being disrupted by Fintech, no matter how much the upstarts claim.  A few articles of note: How a bank should respond to 'disruption' (August 2009) Is banking being fundamentally disrupted by technology change? (September 2013) We are not being disrupted, just rearchitected (October 2014) Banks are too regulated…

The real reason for core systems refreshment

I’ve been advocating for some time that banks should refresh core systems.  A complete renewal of the back-end.  Everyone tells me I’m an idiot for saying so.  It’s impossible, stupid, naïve and impractical.  OK, I hear that.  I know it’s not going to be easy but, if a bank has systems built before Mark Zuckerberg…

Will bank developments in China lead to a global banking revolution? [Part One]

This blog was first published on SAP for Banking, 12th August 2015. I recently found some exceptional insights into how China is leading the world of banking, as we saw the opening of digital banks WeBank and MYBank. If you are unfamiliar with these two bank titans, they both launched this year as offshoots of…

A new debate: should Germany leave the Eurozone?

I haven’t blogged much about Europe or other things other than Fintech lately.  I guess because Fintech is taking up so much of my time and discussions, but the Greek crisis has not gone unnoticed in the news headlines or in my thoughts. For some, the Greek crisis has been a joke … … but for…

Greek urn

The History of the Credit Card [Infographic]

Bearing in mind that credit cards are about to disappear as mobile wallets take over, I thought it would be nice to share this infographic of the history of the credit card. Image courtesy of Sainsbury Bank

Credit Card History

The top selling books on banking

Having written a book that features in the Amazon Bank charts regularly, I’ve noticed that my companions in those charts are interesting titles.  Apart from Brett King’s Bank 3.0, here are the others that regularly appear in the Top 100: Fool's Gold: How Unrestrained Greed Corrupted a Dream, Shattered Global Markets and Unleashed a Catastrophe …

Investment Banking for Dummies

Hampered by heritage … or just an old bank dinosaur?

I spent a long time talking with banks in Turkey yesterday, and realised that my message is off mark with some markets.  This arose when one of the banks told me they had just been to America to visit with banks there, and see how they were becoming digital.  Apparently most of the American banks…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser