Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Most banks are stuck in the last century

I spent some time with a digital bank this week (yes, they do exist!), and one of their slides really caught my attention. The slide was showing what online banking looked like in the 1990s … … and the point being made was that most banks are still stuck in the 1990s. They may have…

Banking 1990s

Digital is not a channel (nor is the branch)

Building on yesterday’s discussion of Marmite banking, it’s not a simple question of should we be digital? nor a question of where does digital sit? but a question of all digital. Those who ask the first two questions are thinking of digital banking as a channel; those who get the last point, understand. For example,…

Benny Higgins

Is happiness and income equality related to each other?

Bearing in mind that we have Financial Services Club Nordic Region, as I left the Stockholm meeting last week I picked up a fascinating book at the airport about the Nordic countries. Called The Almost Nearly Perfect People by Michael Booth, it caught my attention with facts like Denmark actually has brothels with animals (seven percent…


Four European banks you may not have heard about

There are quite a number of new bank services around Europe. Some are from insurance groups (Soon and KNAB) and some are from banks (Hello and Moneyou). It’s hard to keep up with them all, but I think these four are worth a quick review. First Soon versus Hello. Soon has been launched as the new…

There aren’t any challenger banks out there really

The soon to launch TSB flotation was announced the other day to general silence. Who wants to buy into a bank or, rather, who wants to buy into a rebranded Lloyds bank? With Lloyds’ shares faring reasonably well these days, TSB is going to be an interesting operation. Running on Lloyds’ systems, it states that…

Swiss Bank Leaker from HSBC: ‘Money Is Easy to Hide’

I wanted to give up talking about bankers being jailed, fined, sued and sanctioned, but during my investigations into background issues over this week's Credit Suisse fine, I stumbled across an article I had missed in Germany's Spiegel that is pretty interesting and crucial reading. As a result, I've decided to share this essential reading here….


You still want a job in banking?

Talking about job losses in the City reminded me of a comment a colleague made: "if we had delivered on all the headcount savings our bank has been promised from technology change, we would not have any staff in this bank anymore". Interesting and, during our conversation, I followed up with: "we never get the…


You still want a job in banking?

Talking about job losses in the City reminded me of a comment a colleague made: "if we had delivered on all the headcount savings our bank has been promised from technology change, we would not have any staff in this bank anymore". Interesting and, during our conversation, I followed up with: "we never get the…


What future career for investment bankers?

After the announcement last week of job losses at Barclays, I was reflecting on this and two other news headlines. One from Reuters states that the boom time for trading has gone whilst the other, from the Financial Times, shows that traders are no longer what banks are looking for – instead they're hiring computer programmers. The…

IT geeks

Art for art’s sake

Building upon yesterday’s blog about the Medici’s and the close relationship between religion and finance, there’s another close relationship that needs to be noted: finance and art. Obviously, artists cannot flourish without some benefactor and all the greatest art of history has been financed by Emperors, Kings, Dukes and bankers. However, it was the Medici’s…

Tomb of Pope

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser