Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Bankers and accountants: a cosy relationship

A good friend of mine Rob Brown, the most recommended networked expert in the world according to LinkedIn, sent me some research he’s just produced. It analyses the relationship and differences between bankers and accountants. If you want a copy of the report, just email Rob.  I did think that I could have easily summarised this:…

Rob Brown

How can a bank claim to be 100% secure?

In yet another conversation about technology in banking, we were discussing how the world has changed in the last ten years. In just one decade a lightning strike has happened whereby a planet that had connectivity became totally connected.  Countries and continents that had zero infrastructure were suddenly capable of communication through mobile infrastructure. That…

The five greatest risks to banks

Banks are considered to be stable, reliant and dull by the world, or that’s what we would like them to be. Instead banks are inherently risk managers, as we have now specifically realised in the past five years. Banks can be basket cases if they manage risk badly or high return investment vehicles if they…

The five greatest risks to banks

Banks are considered to be stable, reliant and dull by the world, or that’s what we would like them to be. Instead banks are inherently risk managers, as we have now specifically realised in the past five years. Banks can be basket cases if they manage risk badly or high return investment vehicles if they…

Finovate Europe and Asia – save 20% now

The Financial Services Club has partnered with Finovate Asia and Europe to offer 20% discount for any interested readers of the Finanser to attend.  Finovate Asia takes place in Singapore on 14th November 2013 and Finovate Europe in London on February 11th and 12th 2014. Register for Finovate Asia 2013  Register for Finovate Europe 2014  The event will…

Finovate Europe and Asia – save 20% now

The Financial Services Club has partnered with Finovate Asia and Europe to offer 20% discount for any interested readers of the Finanser to attend.  Finovate Asia takes place in Singapore on 14th November 2013 and Finovate Europe in London on February 11th and 12th 2014. Register for Finovate Asia 2013  Register for Finovate Europe 2014  The event will…

Get detailed with the here and now, and macro with the yet to come

So I’ve had meetings with three vendors in the last week where we’re talking about mobile and tablet computing in banking, Big Data, Cloud and such like, and I’m sick to death of it. Not of the vendors, but of this bandwagon hype around jargonised words that are meaningless. They were meaningful five or ten…

14th October: Chris Skinner in India

For those who seek inspiration, there are two great opportunities coming up in the next two months. First, I am going to be in India for a week from 14th October, and happy to consider any bookings whilst there.  Just let me know if this is of interest. Second, Mark Inglis is coming to London to…

21st century banking is stuck in 20th century processes

Over the past few years, I’ve transitioned across to internet banking like most.  Now I also use mobile banking, mainly for balance checks and confirmation of transactions.  In fact, it’s twenty years since all of this began and now it’s standard. So it surprised me this week, when applying for a new mortgage (yes, I’m…

Why does the UK shun credit unions when other markets love them?

It is amazing that the UK has a tiny market for Credit Unions when other markets, particularly the USA, is domianted by them.  Why is this?  And why are we trying to create more banks when Credit Unions offer a great alternative that is already on our doorstep today? In a guest piece mainlywritten by…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser