Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Chancellor’s speech is one of the worst ever

So George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, made a big speech at JPMorgan’s HQ in Bournemouth yesterday. The speech announced the details of the UK Banking Reform Bill which will implement the recommendations of the Vickers’ Independent Commission on Banking (ICB) for ring fencing, account switching and more. The speech is based upon four foundation principles…

The Chancellor’s speech is one of the worst ever

So George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, made a big speech at JPMorgan’s HQ in Bournemouth yesterday. The speech announced the details of the UK Banking Reform Bill which will implement the recommendations of the Vickers’ Independent Commission on Banking (ICB) for ring fencing, account switching and more. The speech is based upon four foundation principles…

Real-time means now, and don’t you forget it

I just had a dialogue that was disquieting.  I can’t say with whom, but the dialogue was about the impact of real-time on the world of regulation. This person said to me that their regulator ran a COBOL-based system that could not handle real-time because it was batch based. Really, I exclaimed.  It’s the 21st…

Real-time means now, and don’t you forget it

I just had a dialogue that was disquieting.  I can’t say with whom, but the dialogue was about the impact of real-time on the world of regulation. This person said to me that their regulator ran a COBOL-based system that could not handle real-time because it was batch based. Really, I exclaimed.  It’s the 21st…

From bye-bye banks to buy-buy banks

In 2008, we all thought banks were bye, bye, bye.  Five years later, everyone is saying buy, buy, buy.  Or Warren Buffet is anyway.  In an interview with Bloomberg last week, Buffett said: “The banks will not get this country in trouble, I guarantee it.  Our banking system is in the best shape in recent memory….


From bye-bye banks to buy-buy banks

In 2008, we all thought banks were bye, bye, bye.  Five years later, everyone is saying buy, buy, buy.  Or Warren Buffet is anyway.  In an interview with Bloomberg last week, Buffett said: “The banks will not get this country in trouble, I guarantee it.  Our banking system is in the best shape in recent memory….


RETAIL (????) Banking … you must be joking!

I was at a conference yesterday where a leading economist talked about the global economic forecasts and specifically about the UK. When he got to the UK, he started talking about which sectors were expanding and succeeding the most, citing the telecommunication, transport and logistics areas as those with the greatest opportunity. In other words,…

Online expenditure

RETAIL (????) Banking … you must be joking!

I was at a conference yesterday where a leading economist talked about the global economic forecasts and specifically about the UK. When he got to the UK, he started talking about which sectors were expanding and succeeding the most, citing the telecommunication, transport and logistics areas as those with the greatest opportunity. In other words,…

Online expenditure

UK launches faster payments mobile service in 2014

I don't normally place press releases on the blog, but this one's an important one so here it is pretty much unedited: Paying a friend or business on your mobile as easily as sending a text is set to become a mainstream option in spring 2014, when the Payments Council’s new mobile payments service launches….

UK launches faster payments mobile service in 2014

I don't normally place press releases on the blog, but this one's an important one so here it is pretty much unedited: Paying a friend or business on your mobile as easily as sending a text is set to become a mainstream option in spring 2014, when the Payments Council’s new mobile payments service launches….

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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