Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


10% off Finovate Europe 2013

FinovateEurope 2013 is only 4 weeks away and readers of the Finanser can get a 10% discount on the ticket price by entering 'FSClub2013' as your discount code when registering. With the expansion to two days this year the Finovate organisers have been able to select a ton of new fintech innovations (check out the presenter list)…

2013 Big Bank Resolutions

Trust y’all had a super break and then suddenly here we are in 2013. 13, unlucky for some … or maybe not. It’s looking like a nice and lucky year for some, and hopefully for banks in particular. After five years of complete rubbish, it’s about time. Sure, this year will be full of challenges…

Season’s Greetings 2012

It's holiday time! The Finanser is now off on holidays until January 3rd, and wishes all of our readers the very best for the holiday season. Thinking about 2013, here's our message for the New Year …

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2012: the hot money went into America

So what’s the year been like from an investment view? Hmmm, well at the start of the year everyone said invest in America and, looking at the returns from the US markets, they may well have been right: Closing prices                   31 Dec 2011        17 Dec 2012       …

2012: the hot money went into America

So what’s the year been like from an investment view? Hmmm, well at the start of the year everyone said invest in America and, looking at the returns from the US markets, they may well have been right: Closing prices                   31 Dec 2011        17 Dec 2012       …

2012: little to celebrate in the City

As we’re in the final countdown to the end of year celebrations, it’s a good moment to reflect on what’s happened in 2012 in banking. If 2010, the mantra was all about banker’s bonuses, bank governance and bank risk; and 2011 was more about bankers not giving a damn about their customers or society; 2012…


Card fees: Skinner is talking a load of ****

Unsurprisingly, my Friday blog entry got some backlash on twitter and through direct comments on the blog itself. The original blog entry proposed that people do not want transparency,  as unbundling costs makes them angrier than if they are bundled. The feedback tells me that's not quite right: Simon Deane-Johns, aka Pragmatist, says that the…

Card fees: Skinner is talking a load of ****

Unsurprisingly, my Friday blog entry got some backlash on twitter and through direct comments on the blog itself. The original blog entry proposed that people do not want transparency,  as unbundling costs makes them angrier than if they are bundled. The feedback tells me that's not quite right: Simon Deane-Johns, aka Pragmatist, says that the…

Why transparency is NOT the solution

We had a good debate this week about the future for multilateral interchange fees (MIFs) amongst the card companies. The argument made for change by regulators appears to boil down to that the card operators and issuers are ripping off customers by taking percentage fees opaquely.  These fees are applied throughout the process, and the…

Credit card

Why transparency is NOT the solution

We had a good debate this week about the future for multilateral interchange fees (MIFs) amongst the card companies. The argument made for change by regulators appears to boil down to that the card operators and issuers are ripping off customers by taking percentage fees opaquely.  These fees are applied throughout the process, and the…

Credit card

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser