Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Banks have bigger development shops than Microsoft

I attended a great conference in Copenhagen this week – Finans IT-Dagen. Didn’t understand much of it, as the majority of presentations were delivered in the Danish language which is understandable being a Danish conference, but I did get the gist of the content from the slideware, much of which was in English. A presentation…

The Brown Bottom

From my friend Derek Bond … With the gold price hitting new nominal highs, now may be a good moment to remind ourselves about the consequences of Gordon Brown’s sale of much of the UK’s gold reserves. Between 1999 and 2002 he sold 395 metric tons of gold at an average price of $275 an…


The Brown Bottom

From my friend Derek Bond … With the gold price hitting new nominal highs, now may be a good moment to remind ourselves about the consequences of Gordon Brown’s sale of much of the UK’s gold reserves. Between 1999 and 2002 he sold 395 metric tons of gold at an average price of $275 an…


Not that Mint, this Mint

Just had a visit to the head office of the Royal Mint in Cardiff, Wales.  Wales is not part of England, as asked by some people, but the place that Prince Charles represents, as the Prince of Wales.  It’s also the home of the BBC TV series Torchwood with John Barrowman. I mentioned this to…


Not that Mint, this Mint

Just had a visit to the head office of the Royal Mint in Cardiff, Wales.  Wales is not part of England, as asked by some people, but the place that Prince Charles represents, as the Prince of Wales.  It’s also the home of the BBC TV series Torchwood with John Barrowman. I mentioned this to…


#innotribe at #sibos 2011

I've been invited to SIBOS this year to be a “professional challenger” in the innotribe stream.  I interpret this as being a “professional troublemaker”, which I’m very good at, but they reinterpreted this to the more acceptable terminology to get the management team buy-in. No worries. By now, if you’ve been to SIBOS before you should know…


#innotribe at #sibos 2011

I've been invited to SIBOS this year to be a “professional challenger” in the innotribe stream.  I interpret this as being a “professional troublemaker”, which I’m very good at, but they reinterpreted this to the more acceptable terminology to get the management team buy-in. No worries. By now, if you’ve been to SIBOS before you should know…


Iceland: the banks blot or gift?

My last blog about Iceland for the moment, but a worthy one. In Reykjavik, a city of 120,000 people (200,000 in the Greater Reykjavik region).  By comparison, this is the size of Watford, the UK’s 59th largest town, or Dudley (26th) if you use the larger figure. On the harbour front in Reykjavik, they have…


Iceland: the banks blot or gift?

My last blog about Iceland for the moment, but a worthy one. In Reykjavik, a city of 120,000 people (200,000 in the Greater Reykjavik region).  By comparison, this is the size of Watford, the UK’s 59th largest town, or Dudley (26th) if you use the larger figure. On the harbour front in Reykjavik, they have…


Who owns Iceland?

There’s been a fascinating debate going on online about Iceland this month. Not surprising as Iceland is still involved in a $3.5 billion dispute with the UK and Netherlands over the collapse of Icesave. This is still a running sore in relations between these nations, but hopefully will be resolved soon. The Icesave disaster is…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser