Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The biggest opportunity for global banks

Asking the Asian audience here about their views on innovation proved interesting. For example, defining innovation as complete renewal and transformation, rather than incremental improvement, led me to the assertion that to be innovative you must have the mandate of the business owner, CEO ore equivalent. So, we posed that question to the audience and…

Playing ping-pong with bank’s yachts

After my note the other day about the thoughts of folks in transaction banking,  followed by the results of the US banks that shows a big slowdown in equities, fixed income and commodity trading, it struck me that like a double-dip recession we are now in a ping-pong interregnum. What do I mean? During a…

Heard the Word from Hurd: Oracle’s Strategy for Banking Markets

I happen to be at an Oracle banking bash in Asia this week where Mark Hurd, President of Oracle Corporation, delivered the keynote. A few highlights from his presentation include a comment that worldwide GDP is running at around $53 trillion and that $1.3 trillion of that is spent on technology.  Of this, $1.3 trillion,…

Inside the Head of Transaction Banking

I was fascinated to hear the priorities and issues facing the head of transaction services in a major global bank this week.  He doesn’t want to be named in public domain, so this is an anonymous interview and, in no particular order, here are his key areas of focus … In March 2011, our focus…

Why Wonga Will Wrestle With Regulators

I’ve talked a few times about Wonga and Pay Day Loan firms: Wonga: another web disruption for loans, February 2009 Need money fast? May 2010  An explosion of payday loan firms, February 2011 Poor are #1 prey for financial predators, June 2011 The last point picks up on the continual debate about such firms and their…

Wonga less 03.5

Are small firms retail or commercial propositions?

Speaking of corporates being from Venus and banks from Mars, one of the biggest dilemmas a bank seems to undergo is where to put and how to define small to medium enterprises (SMEs). I’ve seen several banks alternate between treating SMEs as part of their retail business and then ping-ponging them into the commercial banking…

Are small firms retail or commercial propositions?

Speaking of corporates being from Venus and banks from Mars, one of the biggest dilemmas a bank seems to undergo is where to put and how to define small to medium enterprises (SMEs). I’ve seen several banks alternate between treating SMEs as part of their retail business and then ping-ponging them into the commercial banking…

ING: selling the rebels with a cause

I still remember fondly the BAI Show of 2008 where there were several key highlihgts.  One of the biggest was the one-to-one interview with Arkadi Kuhlmann, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of ING Direct USA.  At the time, Arkadi had just produced his book: “The Orange Code: How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a…

ING Direct

ING: selling the rebels with a cause

I still remember fondly the BAI Show of 2008 where there were several key highlihgts.  One of the biggest was the one-to-one interview with Arkadi Kuhlmann, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of ING Direct USA.  At the time, Arkadi had just produced his book: “The Orange Code: How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a…

ING Direct

Are payments infrastructures fit for purpose?

On Wednesday 22nd June, we are running a private dinner meeting of the Financial Services Club in London to launch the results of our recent survey: "Are payments infrastructures fit for purpose?" which was completed by 350 payments professionals worldwide. As a taste of what came out of this, respondents were asked to take a view…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser