Why banks are failing to manage money
OK, down to business. What has the failure of government to regulate the internet got to do with banks? Quite a lot actually as governments and banks are closely intertwined, as demonstrated throughout this financial crisis. Banks control economies and governments need economies to run efficiently, hence the two go hand in hand. And just…
Why banks are failing to manage money
OK, down to business. What has the failure of government to regulate the internet got to do with banks? Quite a lot actually as governments and banks are closely intertwined, as demonstrated throughout this financial crisis. Banks control economies and governments need economies to run efficiently, hence the two go hand in hand. And just…
The future of self-service
During the Moscow conference I attended this week, one presenter played this five-minute video in the middle of their presentation to show the future of self-service. It's mainly about NFC (Near Field Communication) as a focal point, and is not a bad viewing … although I would have quite liked to see something slightly…
Will banking follow music, movies and books?
Industries are gradually being reinvented via the mobile internet. Some were more obviously reinvented in the first generation internet, such as music. Second generation internet is redefining more, from entertainment to news media to financial services. One thing that’s worth noting however is that it takes years to see these redefinitions occur and for the…

Treehuggers Unite!
OK, I'm being seriously provactive now, but there appears to be a dichotomy in the world. A schism. A chasm. A catachaschism. You name it, but it's there. It's a BIG HOLE. The HOLE is between those who care and those who don't. It's a HOLE bewteen the sustainables versus the investables. The communists and…
Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens
Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser