Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Digital Bank

Laughing at the banks and all the way to the bank?

Talking of a two-stream market divided between Political and Economic change and Social and Technological change, there are other undercurrents that ripple in these waters. For example, why is it that most bank conferences are either about regulation or innovation?  Because one forces change to happen whilst the other offers the opportunity to change?  Or…

Bankers and regulators: do you want a Red or a Blue Pill (Matrix)?

I had a Red Pill moment last week. Not an Aha moment but a Red Pill moment because I realised the false reality of our world. You see, I present all the time and talk about the forces of change for the future: Political, Economic, Social and Technological (PEST). I usually skip over the Political…

There’s a big difference between KYC and KNOWING your customer

I had a really interesting conversation with @Anthemis last week. These are the guys who have co-ordinated much of the funding and investment cycles in Fidor, Moven and Simple. Udayan Goyal, co-founder of Anthemis, said to me: “you have to see that digital banks are different by the way they build their business”, and we…


Digital Banks have a completely different culture to Physical Banks

Another day, another challenge. Again, it’s to do with the move from the physical distribution of paper to the digital distribution of data (my favourite mantra of the moment) and the way in which things change. Think of it this way, I’m talking to a company about relationship management. Their view: it all comes down…

The time is ripe for disruption in banking

Building on yesterday’s debate about Google and co coming into banking, and the previous discussions of such: Imagine less than 50 banks left in the world by 2030 (why most will not become digital) If you think 'rip out and replace our systems' is naive … think again … and there’s been loads more, I was…

Millennial Disruption Index

Data wars: why Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon will eat the banker’s lunch

I chaired a meeting of bankers last night, and we talked a lot about data and data leverage.   One thing that bubbled up to the service over and over again was the threat of GAFA – Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (building upon last week's blog about same). This also was raised at the conference I…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser