Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Digital Bank

The world’s best banks, according to Forbes

Forbes just launched a list of the world’s best banks, based upon a survey of over 40,000 consumers in partnership with Statista. I’m always wary of such surveys as, like influencer lists, they often reflect the world they want and miss a lot of what’s really happening. Nevertheless, there are some interesting comments in the dialogue…

What happens to customers who don’t want digital?

Living in a digital world, it’s hard to imagine being disconnected. Yet, some people are. According to a recent survey by Which? Magazine, four percent of consumers don’t have a mobile phone. Personally, I cannot imagine living without a mobile phone, but some people are happy to be off the network. However, there’s an issue…

Dealing with a crisis: FinTech versus Bank

The chasm between start-ups and incumbents is massively exposed by coronavirus. I realised this early on, when I saw that FinTech firms who were born on the internet were far more ready for working from home than traditional banks who depend on branches, buildings, office and physicality. A good example is how traditional banks who…

Where was the digital backup to our physical structure?

The coronavirus crisis has hit everyone sudden and hard. We originally thought it was a Chinese crisis and now it’s a global one. It’s shut down economies worldwide and the banking system has been asked to step in fast and address the crisis. Governments worldwide have asked banks to give out loans to large and…

Build, Buy or Transform the Bank?

I was recently watching an online poll that asked the best way for a traditional bank to compete with the new digital banks. Should they build a new bank, buy a digital bank competitor, or transform the old bank? The vote was split fairly equally between all three choices after over 1,000 votes. #FinTech poll….

Looking through the banking clouds

I remember some years ago that Nikolas Sarkozy wanted to bring in a law that would force call centre operators to tell French citizens where they were located, due to the backlash over offshore call centres. I wonder what he would make of today’s world, where most French and European banks have given all their…

Should retail banks be retailers?

There’s a great write-up by one of my guest contributors Alex Johnson, about the bad sales culture of most banks. Admittedly, he says it’s partly inspired by my blog of last year about challenger banks, but his write-up takes it further and has a swipe at the whole bank culture of cross-selling and being retailers…

How JPMorgan Chase, BBVA, ING, DBS and CMB are doing digital

Today is the day that Doing Digital, my newest book, is finally live on Amazon and all good book stores. It’s the result of two years primary and secondary research and, to pay it its due, has been featured in many interviews with me recently. I’ll share many of them, I’m sure. To start with,…

The ugly, the bad and the good

It’s interesting that governments around the world have announced huge stimulus packages to protect workers, small businesses and life in general. Trillions of dollars. Great. The reality is that no one is getting it. You see these announcements and try to get hold of the bank to get the stimulus. First thing that happens is…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser