Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


My fictional partner

This is my wife. She doesn’t know she’s appearing on my blog today, but it doesn’t matter because she doesn’t exist. Well, she does physically but, according to my bank, she doesn’t exist. I only discovered this recently, due to trying to open a new joint investment account. To open the account, the bank asked…

How the world has changed …

I’m going way, way back in time to when I was a mere youngster in finance. Yes, there were planes, trains and automobiles back then you insulting, poisonous bunch-backed toad. Anyways, back then, I did a business process analysis of one of the country’s largest financial firms and I still remember to this day what…

Fintech for the Snapchat generation

My good friend Slava of Life.SREDA has just written a book called The First Fintech Bank’s Arrival. You can buy it for 9,99$ on Amazon or download for free on He’s also shared a chapter with me, and I thought it interesting so here is to sharing.   Fintech for the Snapchat generation by Vladislav Solodkiy The…

What is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation?

I was asked to explain what I meant by haven’t central bankers realised that democratised trust is in the technologies and code? when I blogged about the regulator’s views on bitcoin the other day. I wasn’t going to answer, but then have been prompted to do so after attending the Blockchain Live conference in London….

The Open Finance Marketplace in Action (six video interviews)

I mentioned the Lego Bank not built by Lego recently. It’s all about the Open Marketplace of apps, APIs and analytics, and I said that the idea was illustrated well by firms like Solaris, and Bud. Just to follow on from that, here is a series of video interviews we recorded during the meetings about…

The regulator’s view of bitcoin, 2017

As part of the blockchain conference, I chaired a session with some central bankers talking about their views on distributed ledger technologies. These central banks have run trials and are thinking about it, but none of them are particularly big on blockchain right now. As mentioned on Friday, they see it as a long-term development…

Bankers see faster horses; technologists imagine cars

I was chairing a conference on blockchain and distributed ledgers the other day. The audience were a mixture of start-ups and banks, and the speakers were talking about how they viewed the world of distributed ledger developments. Many of the banks had successfully complete proofs of concept projects and were now moving to pilots. It…

The imperative for self-sovereign identification (get lost Equifax)

I’m making a presentation on cybersecurity this week at our Nordic Finance Innovation meetings. This meant preparing a few new slides from scratch as I don’t have a set deck for cybercrime, and sat and started ideas just as the news dropped about the Equifax breach. You’ll all know about this by now, but over…

An interview about digital

I recently was interviewed for a conference in Miami, and thought you might enjoy the Q&A so sharing … Your book “Digital Bank” published in 2014 included extensive guidance and background on the digital revolution in banking that was taking place. Are changes going at the speed and in the direction you envisioned? Yes. I…

InsurTech’s big ticket items: machine learning on the blockchain

I don’t usually tell people that I’m a qualified expert in insurance as it’s not relevant, but I’m mentioning it today as I just presented at a private insurance event. There are lots of interesting nuances in insurance. You and I probably think it’s just that once a year renewal of our auto policy, or…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser