Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Financial Inclusion in Mexico: Saldazo’s overnight success

I now think I am a good friend of Pablo García Arabéhéty, CGAP’s Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean. This is, in part, because he’s contributed one of the key pieces I’m using in my new book Digital Human (due for release next Spring), and partly because we met at the CIAB conference last week,…

The State of FinTech in Brasil

I’ve been spending a lot of time travelling around the LatAm markets over the past few years. In fact, I was just at the CIAB FELBAN FIBA conference in Miami that covers this geography and this year saw many firms from Nicaragua to Honduras to Costa Rica attend. But the major markets are the competition between…

Slow regulations versus fast tech

Before 2010, I was writing a lot about technology but it was all heavily geared towards regulations.  It was pretty dull, to be honest, but worthy.  MiFID and PSD were top of mind, along with Basel III and other global, European and domestic regulations.  I wrote a lot about regulations. Then it pivoted at the…

Lego bank is here, but it’s not built with Lego

A short time ago, I hosted an interesting group for the Nordic Finance Innovation meetings.  The meeting gathered several of the leading-edge Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) companies that have launched in the last few years including Bud, Clearbank, Leveris, Saxo Bank and Solaris.  Building on each others narrative it soon became clear that anyone could launch a…

The superpower that is China

I grew up with America as the dream. However, in the past two decades, China has become the second world superpower, whether the Americans like it or not. This is not me having a love thing for China. It’s just a fact. The Americans don’t like it. Google China as a superpower and most US…

The History of Bitcoin

Gemuel Franco over at shared a great infographic on bitcoin with me, so I thought I should share it with you. Checkout the history below and note that the original exchange rate of 1,309.03 bitcoins to a dollar would now equate to circa $5.5 million. Not a bad investment.

Is Amazon About to Burst Banks?

I get press releases all the time and generally ignore them. In fact, I don’t know why they email me, as I never post them on the blog. Uh-oh. I just got one that I’m posting on the blog. Floodgates opening.   What will happen when Amazon opens a bank. It is not such a…

FinTech hasn’t changed much … yet

For the second time in the last decade, I have been invited as a Contributing Subject Matter Expert to join in research by the World Economic Forum about how technology is changing banking. These are heavyweight projects involving years of research and hundreds of people.  Therefore, I take the content seriously. Here is the latest…

How often does your bank refresh its apps and architecture?

I was talking with a few FinTech firms the other day. They are all fully licensed banks, and are less than 15 years old. They all seem to have one thing in common: refreshment. What I mean by this is that they talk about technology in a very different way to traditional banks.  Traditional banks,…

Diving into the FinTech Wave

I keep trying to define and delineate more and more of this FinTech Wave. It is no longer FinTech, but PayTech, IDTech, InsurTech, WealthTech, RegTech, GulfTech and more. The thing that strikes me the most is that there are two fundamentally different FinTech camps: those attacking existing business structures and those creating new structures. For…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser