Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Birth of Computing and Development of the Web

The last chapter of ValueWeb talks about what comes after the third generation internet: the internet of value.  This is the internet being built today, based upon shared ledgers, cloud, apps, APIs and analytics.  Of course, the next generation is the internet of things.  But what comes after that? There is an answer, but you…

Brexit vote has ‘chilling’ effect on FinTech investment

I was going to write a blog about this, but after reading the BBC summary felt that they had summarised it as well as, or maybe even better, than I could so … Brexit vote has ‘chilling’ effect on start-up investment By Matthew Wall, Technology of Business editor Investment in UK financial technology (fintech) start-ups has…

Who needs a financial centre?

For ten years, my friends cover at Z/Yen have been producing the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI), on behalf of the City of London.  It’s a research program where people can answer the survey questionnaire and, from those participating, the different cities of the world vying to be financial hubs are ranked.  Around 2,500 people respond…

How banks are getting around open banking and PSD2

Banks are scared.  They’ve seen the rise of the new world of open APIs, apps and analytics and know that their organisations are not yet ready or fit to change to that world.  What to do? Well, the easiest thing to do is to block access to the bank’s data.  If third party FinTech firms…

The New Bank is 100% different to the Old Bank

I realised the other day that I didn’t have a good slide comparing the old bank world with the new.  I often refer to it with the line that banks were built in the last century for the physical distribution of money as paper in branches with buildings and humans; now they have to be…

B2B2C off!

So I’m in a conference that’s talking all the time about B2B2C models.  I guess that’s because there are a lot of FinTech startups focused on the B2B2C structures like Leveris, Thought Machine, Solaris, RailsBank, ClearBank, CBW and more.  But these are not B2B2C structures.  The people talked B2B2C have got that wrong.  There is…

The Semantic Regulator (#RegTech Rules)

A bank has to make a regulatory change every 12 minutes.  That’s some task.  A bigger question must also be: how can a regulatory check that a bank is compliant with their regulatory changes, if their regulations change every 12 minutes are run to 1,000’s of pages? The answer is they can’t, but they don’t…

The AML conundrum solved?

I outlined yesterday the fact that 98% of money laundering goes unchecked, allowing $1.6 trillion a year to be used for terrorist funding, drug dealers, sex traffickers and possibly worse.   This was prompted by a conversation about AML (Anti-Money Laundering) with the CEO and Co-Founder of I met Coinfirm, Pawel Kuskowski. So what’s the solution, is how…

11 FinTech trends you need to follow

The first few weeks of 2017 bombarded us with articles predicting the future of fintech and financial services.  I’ve now analysed them all and identified the top 11 trends that the leading banking and FinTech experts agree we should be following now.  Here’s the trend breakdown: Removing friction from the customer journey Rise of insurtech Rise of regtech…

FiBD: The FinTech Bullshit Detector

I’ve been wondering for a while how so many companies can be starting up something in the same space, and how are they surviving?  The reason for mentioning it is that we keep hearing these numbers around how many billions are being invested in FinTech, bitcoin, blockchain and such like, and yet I cannot see…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser