Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Mashup technologies in real-world banking

For quite a while, I've been trying to find some real-world examples of mashup technologies in banking.  I use these services extensively in other areas of my life – on this blog (the widget for search for example), my Facebook account (feeds and videos), my Twitter account and more. However, I've never found a bank…

Mashup Mockup1

Gordon Brown’s Tobin Tax … duh?

Many of us thought it a bit weird that Gordon Brown suggested bringing back the Tobin Tax last weekend during the G20 summit.  The idea is to tax every financial transaction, just a little bit, one or two cents on each … this way you can build up a fund for any future financial shocks….


Gordon Brown’s Tobin Tax … duh?

Many of us thought it a bit weird that Gordon Brown suggested bringing back the Tobin Tax last weekend during the G20 summit.  The idea is to tax every financial transaction, just a little bit, one or two cents on each … this way you can build up a fund for any future financial shocks….


Gordon Brown’s Tobin Tax … duh?

Many of us thought it a bit weird that Gordon Brown suggested bringing back the Tobin Tax last weekend during the G20 summit.  The idea is to tax every financial transaction, just a little bit, one or two cents on each … this way you can build up a fund for any future financial shocks….


Building tomorrow’s bank

My good friend Conny Dorrestijn shared this article she wrote on teenager's views on money and banking.  I thought it so good that it's worth sharing here: Sitting in the hotel bar of a conference I recently attended on payments, I pondered with my colleagues “Are we sure we are really building the payments infrastructure…

Christopher-benjamin christiaan (14), Netherlands

Building tomorrow’s bank

My good friend Conny Dorrestijn shared this article she wrote on teenager's views on money and banking.  I thought it so good that it's worth sharing here: Sitting in the hotel bar of a conference I recently attended on payments, I pondered with my colleagues “Are we sure we are really building the payments infrastructure…

Christopher-benjamin christiaan (14), Netherlands

Casino Capitalism and the American Culture

I'm in the middle of writing a long speech for Gresham College which I shall present on Wednesday evening.  The title of the speech is: "Are Bankers Good or Bad for Society?" which we agreed way back in February. However, in light of Lord Turner's comments last month, this title is more prescient than ever….


Casino Capitalism and the American Culture

I'm in the middle of writing a long speech for Gresham College which I shall present on Wednesday evening.  The title of the speech is: "Are Bankers Good or Bad for Society?" which we agreed way back in February. However, in light of Lord Turner's comments last month, this title is more prescient than ever….


No decision is the worst kind

I’ve attended quite a few conferences in the past month and was reflecting on the different themes they explored. The four that stand out most clearly are: risk management, regulatory reform, operational efficiency and innovation. Contemplating what each of these mean in practice makes you realise how difficult a job banks have on their hands…


Innovations in Payments, Part Three

In the securities settlement markets, we’ve spent years trying to break down barriers to clearing and settlement … and most of those barriers are still there. We wonder what to do about it? And regulation seems the only answer. Or is it? As we look at innovations in payments (retail, commercial covered in last two…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser