Five strategic themes to focus upon
There are five main themes driving where we are today and tomorrow: digital transformation; inequality and inclusion; having a clear purpose; stakeholder capitalism; and digital transparency. The network is connecting us all. This is a digital revolution. We are breaking from the past centuries of industrialising everything to the next centuries of digitalising everything. It…
With Great Power Comes Great Wealth
I grew up as a fan-boy of all things Marvel, and have been delighted with the way the Marvel Universe has panned out for next generations. In particular, Spider-Man has always been a highlight, and I regularly use one of the lines from these comic books: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Attributed as a…
What currency will you be using in 2121?
Having watched the emergence of cryptocurrencies, digital currencies, blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for a decade, I have made a firm view. Most of the people involved in this space are deluded and naïve; most of the people involved in this space don’t understand the system or how things work in the world; and,…
Trickle-down economics, the 1% and the masses
I had a bit of a twitter spat with my friend Peter Matza, who has a background in corporate treasury. You can follow the thread from here: The total wealth of billionaires worldwide rose by $5 trillion to $13 trillion thanks to digital transformation and government stimulus via @paullewismoney — Chris Skinner (@Chris_Skinner) May 14,…
FinTechs, are you worth it?
Very interesting article on AltFi about FinTech unicorns tripling in value this year. Here’s a few selected lines: In the first quarter of 2021 alone, UK fintechs raised more than $2.9bn in funding, an increase of 331 per cent on the same period in the year before … in June 2020, became one of the first fintechs…