Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

web 5.0, the 2030s and Samantha

There’s a line in the 2013 film Her, it’s not just an operating system, it’s a consciousness.  The film is about Theodore, played by Joaquin Phoenix.  Theodore is a lonely writer who gets to trial a new operating system OS1, the world’s first artificially intelligent operating system.  The OS1 tailors itself to your habits and…

The Finanser’s Week: 13th February – 19th February 2017

This week’s blogs are all about how the internet started and where it’s future is going … The Birth of Computing and Development of the Web The last chapter of ValueWeb talks about what comes after the third-generation internet: the internet of value.  This is the internet being built today, based upon shared ledgers, cloud,…

web 4.0, the 2020s and the Internet of Things

We are already entering the fourth-generation internet, the internet of things, but it won’t really take off until the next decade, the 2020s.  Sure, we have self-driving Teslas and Nest home appliances, along with Samsung’s Smart Things, but it’s not mainstream yet.  For example, none of my friends has a self-driving car yet. This will…

web 3.0, the 2010s and an internet of markets

Now we move onto the third-generation internet, web 3.0.  What is web 3.0?  It’s not been well defined or described.  Many would say it’s the internet of things, but I disagree.  The internet of things is emerging, but it cannot exist until a bridge between the mobile social network and the internet of things has…

web 2.0, the 2000s and lovely jubbly, social networking

From the origins of the internet in 1990, the end of the 1990s saw the emergence of e-commerce and a plethora of payments services and commercial websites.  Then not a great deal happened until the internet became social.  Blog platforms like WordPress and Typepad emerged in 2003; Facebook launched in 2004; and YouTube a year…

web 1.0, the 1990s and the arrival of Elon Musk and mates

Web 1.0 – the network begins As mentioned yesterday, almost half a century of developments in technology led to the launch of the web as we know it today, following Tim Berners-Lee’s paper detailing HTML and URLs.  This was in 1990 and, consequently, the internet morphs almost every decade.  This makes our decade – the…

The Birth of Computing and Development of the Web

The last chapter of ValueWeb talks about what comes after the third generation internet: the internet of value.  This is the internet being built today, based upon shared ledgers, cloud, apps, APIs and analytics.  Of course, the next generation is the internet of things.  But what comes after that? There is an answer, but you…

The Finanser’s Week: 6th February – 12th February 2017

A summary of the main blogs of the week … Dodd-Frank, Donald Trump and Goldman Sachs: you’ve been suckered The big headline on Friday was Donald Trump has signed an Executive Order to review the Dodd-Frank regulations.  He also changed rules relating to brokers, so that they can seek maximised profits rather than being forced…

We must automate humanity

Building on yesterday’s blog, there was another interesting debate about the risks of humans in the network.  Humans screw up.  Humans cause problems.  Humans have emotions.  Humans are not welcome here. A good example of why humans are not welcome is that it is typically human error that causes issue.  A self-driving car is likely…

You can never automate humanity

I was in a long conversation about machine learning yesterday that will probably inspire a lot of blogging.  One of the key parts of the conversation was the integration of robotics and artificial intelligence.  When you can make love with a human being that doesn’t talk back, why would you want a real one?  Let’s…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser