Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Could Trump and May be the new Reagan and Thatcher?

I guess I’m an optimist and, in a world of pessimism, it’s an interesting place to be.  I say a world of pessimism as all I’ve seen since the Brexit vote and Donald Trump being President-elect is negativity.  A constant stream of we are screwed appears in my Facebook feed, and everyone seems to think…

Will the USA see a surge of FinTech banks launch this year?

I write so much that I sometimes forget what I’ve written, where.  For example, Mark Sievert of Silicon Valley Bank made an interesting comment on my predictions for 2017: Happy New Year Chris! One topic I am not hearing much about is the OCC December decision to offer Federal Charters to Fintech firms. Many…

India’s demonetisation – taking the bull by the horns

I seem to find most of the truly exciting stories these days are happening in unexpected places.  Tanzania, Indonesia, Turkey, China, Brazil … and specifically India. I wrote a fair bit about the demonetisation program in India at the beginning of December, saying that it’s a laudable objective but a flawed one, as 95% of the…

The Finanser’s Week: 19th December – 8th January 2017

The blogs over the holiday period included … LOOKING FORWARD TO 2017 10 predictions for 2017 There are lots of predictions being made for 2017.  After all, it’s that time of year.  So, having reviewed whether mine were right or wrong at the end of 2016, my first blog for 2017 is to make 10…

The best FinTech podcasts out there and 10 FinTech trends for 2017

Anna Jacobson recently wrote a nice update, highlighting the best FinTech podcasts out there, including: Brett King’s Breaking Banks podcast looks at the ‘best of the best’ in the emerging FinTech sector and documents how the loss of trust, rapid consumer behavior shifts, massive technological changes, and increasing government scrutiny are disrupting the banking industry.  I’m a regular co-host…

5 Banking Tech Trends for 2017

I kept Tuesday’s blog entry short because I knew that everyone was making predictions and writing much more in-depth pieces.  Today’s guest blog entry is from Finanser friend David Horton. David wrote a great piece on LinkedIn over the holidays providing his five banking technology predictions for 2017 and has kindly allowed me to replicate it here….

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends for 2017

I kept yesterday’s blog entry short because I knew that today’s was long, and it’s a guest blog entry from my good friend Jim Marous.  Jim produces a great report each year, curating the thoughts of 100 industry leaders including myself, on what is going to happen in the year ahead.  Summarizing this year’s report,…

10 predictions for 2017

There are lots of predictions being made for 2017.  After all, it’s that time of year.  So, having reviewed whether mine were right or wrong at the end of 2016, my first blog for 2017 is to make 10 predictions for 2017. Rather than making this a long and detailed blog update, it’s just 10…

The most read blog entries of 2016 (#fintech, #blockchain, #platforms)

I was looking through Google Analytics to see which of my blog entries had been most read in 2016.  Here’s the list and, as you will see, it’s mostly people reading about blockchain news, although how to change the bank, fintech and innovation all get high rankings too. The top ten trends in banking innovation…

The Twelve Banking Days of Christmas

Tis the season to be jolly and, in that spirit, I thought it was time to update some of our Christmas songs.  Here’s the revised version of the twelve days of Christmas ….   On the first day of Christmas my big bank sent to me: A diamond in an APR loan.   On the…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser