Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Who owns the customer in the internet of things?

I’ve been talking the internet of things for a while as, after all, The ValueWeb is the internet of value that underpins the internet of things. A key concept of the internet of value is how it supports your television, car, fridge, shoes, phone, computer and your partners’ and chidlrens’ things to buy and transact. …

The Finanser’s Week: 10th October – 16th October 2016

The main blog posts this week were … If you want to convince the bank to change, read this blog I was thinking about not sharing this info but hey, as you are good enough to read my blog … here’s the bottom-line on digital disruption (ed: oh no, Chris said the D-word!). There’s a…

APIs is all about trains, ships and standards

We had a meeting of the Financial Services Club in Oslo last night, talking about the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) and Open APIs (Application Program Interfaces).  It was a fun meeting and covered the in’s and out’s of closed versus open APIs, the implications of allowing Trusted Third Parties (TTPs) access to the bank’s…

How do governments regulate a networked world?

Following on from yesterday’s blog about Little Britain and a hard Brexit, we all know the world has been globalising and, even though there is currently a backlash against globalisation per se, it is unstoppable.  It is unstoppable primarily because of technology.  The whole planet is now on the network.  Seven billion people have access…

Welcome to Little Britain (and its hard Brexit)

In my travels over the past months, whether it’s Asia, America or around Europe, everyone asks me what I think about the Brexit vote.  What’s going to happen?  What does it mean? So I’m not going to write lots about Brexit, but every now and again it’s worth picking up the tone, especially as the…

If you want to convince the bank to change, read this blog

I was thinking about not sharing this info but hey, as you are good enough to read my blog … here’s the bottom-line on digital disruption (ed: oh no, Chris said the D-word!). There’s a slide that’s been doing the circuit for a while.  It comes from Visual Capitalist, and charts the change in the world’s…

Real-time connections between regulators and banks is a game-changer

Had a really interesting chat about RegTech the other day.  We were debating how regulators have changed in recent times, not just in encouraging start-ups and innovation, but it looking forward rather than backward. For most of the time that I’ve dealt with financial services, regulators have always been in catch-up mode.  They regulate what…

The Finanser’s Week: 3rd October – 9th October 2016

The main blog posts this week were … Wouldn’t it be simpler just to launch a new bank? One of the commonest questions I’m asked is whether the bank should just launch another bank, rather than trying to be digital and convert the existing bank.  The idea is that the new bank will have no…

Wouldn’t it be simpler just to launch a new bank?

One of the commonest questions I’m asked is whether the bank should just launch another bank, rather than trying to be digital and convert the existing bank.  The idea is that the new bank will have no legacy, no constraints, can develop from a clean sheet of paper and be the bank’s very own challenger…

Forget legacy systems; what about legacy vendors?

I’m always blogging about replacing core systems, open source the bank, change the leadership to one that gets it and just do it.  I’m saying it so much that I’m finding myself boring.  So let’s change tack.  Who’s the vendor? Not gonna name names, but I’ve had a few really fun discussions with banks in…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser