Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

The Finanser’s Week: 26th September – 2nd October 2016

Here are our key posts for the past week … Do we really need to rip up the roads? In a discussion yesterday, I made a comment which resonated.  It was in comparing FinTech with transportation, and the idea that just because FinTech comes up with the idea of a self-driving car does not mean…

Of course we need to rip up the roads

I often write some things that I don’t believe, such as yesterday’s blog about the fact that we don’t need to rip up the roads.  Of course we need to rip up the roads, because our mode of transport has changed dramatically.  A great example of this change is just the very nature of the underlying…

Do we really need to rip up the roads?

In a discussion yesterday, I made a comment which resonated.  It was in comparing FinTech with transportation, and the idea that just because FinTech comes up with the idea of a self-driving car does not mean that we have to rip up the roads, does it?  No.  The transportation system has a huge amount of…

As traders leave, the developers arrive

I find it a little amusing to see the noise being made by banks about FinTech.  Lots of noise, not so much action.  And where there is action, it’s not necessarily real.  There are a few exceptions, but the majority seem to be tackling FinTech as more of a marketing requirement than an active cultural…

China’s P2P are taking the P

According to latest stats, China’s FinTech markets are booming in 2016. Over $10 billion went into FinTech firms in China in the first half of 2016, although half of that was Ant Financial followed closely by Lu and JD Finance. China’s Fintech 50 by KPMG (download the full report here) What intrigues is that this…

Forget GAFA, the real threat is FATBAG

I’ve blogged a few times about GAFA – Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon – as the worrisome Gang of Four.  Sure, we can worry about them, but the thing is to stop worrying and do something.  Australian banks decide to stop Apple by taking them to court; British banks would rather partner with all of them;…

The Finanser’s Week: 19th September – 25th September 2016

The main blog posts this week were … Next generation insurance and the future of humanity Building on yesterday’s InsurTech theme, I remember being taught the principles of insurance some years ago.  A key difference between insurance and any other business is that it is seller beware rather than buyer beware.  This is why the…

Next generation insurance and the future of humanity

Building on yesterday’s InsurTech theme, I remember being taught the principles of insurance some years ago.  A key difference between insurance and any other business is that it is seller beware rather than buyer beware.  This is why the industry is built with a principle called uberrima fides rather than caveat emptor.   Uberrima fides is…

InsurTech: changing the world of risk

I haven’t blogged about InsurTech much, as this is a banking blog, but having started life in the insurance industry I guess it’s time to shine a light on this corner of the financial world. My first hearing about InsurTech, or InsTech if you prefer, was in a US conference a couple of years ago…

RegTech: Brother in Arms with FinTech

During recent months, I’ve enjoyed a real ding-dong of conversations between Europeans, Asians, Americans and Brits about FinTech and, to be more specific, RegTech. RegTech is a couple of years in catch-up with FinTech, and is all about how to use technologies to make regulations more efficient and effective. The claim is that the UK…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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