Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Should we stay or should we go? [#Brexit]

I chaired a really interesting debate yesterday between MP John Redwood and former MEP Baroness Sharon Bowles at the Association of UK Payments Institutions conference.  The discussion was should we stay or should we go, or the Brexit if you prefer. John Redwood has spent years as a Eurosceptic, standing against John Major in the…

For all the talk about blockchain, what is really happening?

There is a lot of talk about blockchain.  A lot.  Loads.  But when you get past all the talk, what is actually happening with blockchain?  Answer: not enough. I say this because there are some stand out firms out there – like R3, Digital Asset Holdings, Ripple – who have gained traction with the banks,…

The Origins of Moneykind, Part One: Shared Beliefs

As you all know now, this week sees the release of my new book ValueWeb.  Yes, you can buy it from today on Amazon or any of the other services you use.  It’s released in UK from March 15, and USA from April 7 (this is due to publisher getting hard copies to distributors before it…

Why most banks fail at transformational change

I had a few wake up calls in my years of working in financial services, and a couple of key ones gave me an insight into the mentality of major financial firms that have stayed pretty true ever since.  The first was working with a major bank on a process re-engineering project.  We had narrowed…

Still talking about the branch of the future? (don’t laugh)

I was talking with some friends and realised suddenly that we had not talked about branches or branch automation for a long time.  In fact, and this was the dawning, we haven’t talked about branch of the future for a long time. Branch of the future. It’s almost laughable writing that down today, and yet…

Are customers so important for banks?

I was asked the other day about what’s on the CEO’s agenda?  Revenue, restructuring, regulations, share price, bonus, wife, mistress … whoops, sorry, I digress. In fact the four key areas top of mind with most bank CEOs are: Competition: and that’s not just interbank competition, but also new competitors in the form of challenger…

Apple Pay will be the mobile wallet of choice and here’s why

So Apple Pay finally launched in the USA on October 20 and there’s been mixed reviews.  Some people couldn’t make payments, whilst some found they were double-charged.  However, these are just teething issues and the overwhelming reports are positive.  Even former Apple CEO and Financial Services Club keynote speaker John Sculley: I think Apple Pay…


AML prevention lies in digital identities: the new form of money

After yesterday’s post about KYC, PEPs and AML, someone said: “so what’s the point Chris?” @FSClub not quite sure of the point you are making here. Money L bad. Hard to catch. Harder if not in official channels. It was ever thus? — Julian Lee (@JulianDDLee) May 8, 2014 The point of yesterday’s blog was…

Bankers and regulators: do you want a Red or a Blue Pill (Matrix)?

I had a Red Pill moment last week. Not an Aha moment but a Red Pill moment because I realised the false reality of our world. You see, I present all the time and talk about the forces of change for the future: Political, Economic, Social and Technological (PEST). I usually skip over the Political…

Digital wallets will process all the money on earth by 2025

Another presentation that surprised me in Oslo came from Tor Jacobsen, CEO of TSM Nordic. It surprised me as I had no idea about TSM, a mobile wallet provider owned by Telenor and DNB – Norway’s biggest mobile network operator (MNO) and biggest bank – and will launch in the Norwegian market later this year…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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