Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Ripped off by eBay seller, what happened?

I had my first experience of being ripped off by an eBay seller today, after buying 2 tickets for Coldplay at the O2. Having used eBay for six years, everything has always gone smoothly in both buying and selling and, like most eBay buyers, I checkout the profiles of those I’m buying from in depth. …

Ripped off by eBay seller, what happened?

I had my first experience of being ripped off by an eBay seller today, after buying 2 tickets for Coldplay at the O2. Having used eBay for six years, everything has always gone smoothly in both buying and selling and, like most eBay buyers, I checkout the profiles of those I’m buying from in depth. …

A new FSClub for Central & Eastern Europe

I am really pleased to announce the launch of the Financial Services Club Central & Eastern Europe (FSCCEE), with our first meeting planned for 14th January 2009 at the British Embassy, Jaurèsgasse 12 – 1030, Vienna, Austria. The Financial Services Club was established in April 2004 as a unique service designed for Senior Executives and…

m-billing: a killer app?

I had a fascinating chat today with the head of payments at one of the largest British utility firms. She was very interested in one new channel, mobile payments, and particularly the potential of m-billing. m-billing appears to be another killer app for mobile, and seems to be far better received than eBPP or similar…

m-billing: a killer app?

I had a fascinating chat today with the head of payments at one of the largest British utility firms. She was very interested in one new channel, mobile payments, and particularly the potential of m-billing. m-billing appears to be another killer app for mobile, and seems to be far better received than eBPP or similar…

m-billing: a killer app?

I had a fascinating chat today with the head of payments at one of the largest British utility firms. She was very interested in one new channel, mobile payments, and particularly the potential of m-billing. m-billing appears to be another killer app for mobile, and seems to be far better received than eBPP or similar…

m-billing: a killer app?

I had a fascinating chat today with the head of payments at one of the largest British utility firms. She was very interested in one new channel, mobile payments, and particularly the potential of m-billing. m-billing appears to be another killer app for mobile, and seems to be far better received than eBPP or similar…

Internet Banking by Dummies, Part One

A year ago, I talked about how unusable the Xiring terminals were and have seen loads of blogs and commentaries about how impractical these terminals are in everyday life since then.  Thank goodness Visa has now integrated one-time passwords into their cards.  Meanwhile, I'm stuck with UK banks who insist that we use these darned…

Lloyds TSB: first for mobile banking in the UK

After blogging about mobile the other day, I was surprised but pleased to see that Lloyds TSB claim to be the first to offer banking on the phone: What surprised me even more is that they are already advertising this on the net with celeb Nicki Chapman in The Sun.  Bottom-line: this is not the…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser