Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The best call centre sketch ever

I’ve seen lots of call centre comic moments, but this one made me laugh out loud, and I mean LOUD.  Starring David Schwimmer and Simon Pegg, the 2006 film Big Nothing has this little 4-minute skitt: I’m sure that all those Mumbai, Manila and Guangzhou call centre operators, as well as those in Manchester and…

The consolidation of everything

With so many websites, blogs, voicemails, emails, text messages, adverts, media, feeds and chatrooms twittering at the poor individuals who inhabited earth in 2008, the citizens of the world found it impossible to keep up with everything. Everything had become so fragmented, that workers of the world were drowning in an information overload. As a…

The consolidation of everything

With so many websites, blogs, voicemails, emails, text messages, adverts, media, feeds and chatrooms twittering at the poor individuals who inhabited earth in 2008, the citizens of the world found it impossible to keep up with everything. Everything had become so fragmented, that workers of the world were drowning in an information overload. As a…

The fragmentation of everything

In the theme of dialogue about our changing world, the conversations continued with my USA friends about how hard it is to get the marketing right these days. They lamented the fact that their marketing team are so traditional that they still wait until the brochure is perfect for mailing before posting details on the…

The fragmentation of everything

In the theme of dialogue about our changing world, the conversations continued with my USA friends about how hard it is to get the marketing right these days. They lamented the fact that their marketing team are so traditional that they still wait until the brochure is perfect for mailing before posting details on the…

Hey, why don’t we cost cut our way to growth?

I spent yesterday discussing themes for a major conference in the USA later this year. My American friend was a bit down on it all … but then that’s not surprising when Ken Thompson, one of the most respected retail bankers in the USA until this year, had been asked to step down from Wachovia….

Citi Identity Theft open to interpretation

I really liked Citibank’s US ad campaign against identity theft that ran through 2006, and used many of the ads in presentations to discuss the implications of ID theft.  If you haven’t seen the ads, here’s one of the best ones: But then, in this age of user generated entertainment, there’s always some joker out…

Citi Identity Theft open to interpretation

I really liked Citibank’s US ad campaign against identity theft that ran through 2006, and used many of the ads in presentations to discuss the implications of ID theft.  If you haven’t seen the ads, here’s one of the best ones: But then, in this age of user generated entertainment, there’s always some joker out…

Citi Identity Theft open to interpretation

I really liked Citibank’s US ad campaign against identity theft that ran through 2006, and used many of the ads in presentations to discuss the implications of ID theft.  If you haven’t seen the ads, here’s one of the best ones: But then, in this age of user generated entertainment, there’s always some joker out…

SWIFT maps – a road to somewhere?

I’ve been asked by a few folks to comment on the Investment Roadmap that SWIFT is pulling together with FIX Protocol Ltd (FPL), the Financial products Markup Language (FpML) and the International Securities Association for Institutional Trade Communication (ISITC). I was going to comment on this roadmap, but restrained myself due to a fairly cynical…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser