Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Sayonara Osaka

So there we go, another year, another SIBOS. It’s been an interesting one, with many calling it the Zen SIBOS as we had a lot of time and space. Or some did, as I don’t think I had any time.  The week flew by and before we know it, we’re on the flight home. The…


The best giveaways of SIBOS 2012

The other thing I did this year was collect some of the specials being given away by exhibitors.  Here are a few of the best. Smartstream's iPod speaker: XSP's wireless mouse: Sake (various, this one is from NEC Decillion): Euroclear's travelbag: Romanian Wine and Panpipes from Allevo: iPad cases (this one is from ANZ and…


The lighter side of SIBOS Osaka

As I walked around the exhibit hall and conference centre this week, there were many amusing moments.  Here are a few. Changing batteries: Still constructing that China Bank: The power of networking: Lion around: Innotribe: enabling collaboration …. This system needs a reboot: Come on.  One of us must know how this works: Waiting for…

Changing batteries

Muhammad Yunus: how to end poverty forever

The final keynote at SIBOS 2012 is Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and Chairman of the Yunus Centre. I blogged a little about him earlier, but here’s the full speech: I got into banking by accident and, at the beginning, had no idea what I was doing.  I was a teacher.  I got forced…


The 15 most innovative firms providing banking solutions

The final innotribe session is underway,  playing to a really packed crowd. It's no wonder as this is the startup challenge and innovator pitches, showcasing the work of the 15 most innovative software companies providing solutions to banks in 2012. That's 15 companies selected from around 450 that applied, so these guys really are the crème…

Innotribe challenge

Banking for a better world

There are few people you meet in life that are inspirational, but I’ve been lucky enough to meet a few.  I won’t namedrop, as most of them you won’t know, but many of the most inspirational business people I’ve met are in the innotribe stream. Today, we were all a little starstruck therefore when even…


NFC has been strangled at birth

So, at the end of a very long third day of SIBOS, I attended the final session on mobile payments which began with Laurent Desmangles of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) presenting some slides on their view of how the mobile space is developing. Laurent quite rightly made the assertion that cards would still be…


Why SWIFT had to bring along 52 kilometres of cabling

So day three of SIBOS is coming to a close and I’ve found myself rushed off my feet as always, running between sessions, trying ot blog and tweet and trying to find a decent wifi hotspot. The wifi at SIBOS is really up and down, but then I found out why: there is no wifi…

Can transaction banking survive in this world of regulation?

As mentioned, I attended two great sessions, so here’s the next one: can transaction banking survive in this world of regulation? A good theme and one that I was really keen to hear about, particularly as David Wright was part of the panel.  David was instrumental in the European theatre during the development of MiFID…


What will the European financial market infrastructure look like in 2020?

I went to a couple of really good sessions this morning, which I will post separately as they fall under different topic structures. The first was all about what the European financial market infrastructure will be like in 2020. Organised by the Eurosystem of central banks, the session discussed the future European financial market infrastructure…

Blog infrastructures

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser