Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Forget standards … you’ll never get one

So SIBOS Day Two evening was a fun one. Dinner with VocaLink saw a lively discussion about the future of mobile and other retail transaction processing launched by a speech about e- and m- wallets from Mikato Shibata of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi and ably chaired by Brian Caplen, editor in chief of The Banker…


Mourners and exhibitionists

After two big sessions in the main conference, it was time to retire to the exhibit hall and see some other stuff, so I spent the afternoon networking, which is what SIBOS is all about. First, was a short break in the innotribe where Allevo and a few other folks presented ideas about future economic…

Blog inntorie

The big growth markets are in Asia … until around 2030 or so

Running from cyberwars to a radically different session on the Asian economies in the plenary room. The session had the grand title: How seismic is this shift? A discussion about the implications of emerging growth markets, and was chaired by Dominic Hobson (or Doominic as he’s now named) of Global Custodian magazine with three key…


Are cyberthreats really a threat?

After a typical SIBOS evening – oh, Sake – woke up to a typical SIBOS morning with coffee from Franco, HSBC’s resident barista coffee maker. Yowza! Then into the first session of the day about cyberwars – are they a real threat?  Ably chaired by Paul Taylor, Technology and Telecoms Editor with the Financial Times,…


#innotribe: the future of money

Now I know where all the people are … they’re in the conference! I just opened the innotribe conference stream with Udayan Goyal, Founder and Managing Director of Anthemis Group, talking about the future of money with guest panellists: Yoni Assia, Founder and CEO, Etoro Eli Gothill, Research Technologist, Webisteme Mike Laven, CEO, The Currency Cloud Vipul Shah, MD, Product…

Future money

#SIBOS 2012 – where are the people?

I didn’t make the opening plenary at SIBOS this year because I was grabbed for a formal rehearsal of my main session of the day: the future of money. I’ll write a little more about that after the session although, for those considering coming to see it, it will be all about whether core payments…

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The four principles of innovation for banks

The first main session of the day just finished and was entitled: “The Tribe on the Tatami”. Most of us were thinking, what’s all that about?, but being the innotribe opening it’s not surprising. Tatami is a type of mat used for Judo and sterling member of our financial community Dr. Christopher Sier, the main…

Blog - judo

Morning impressions in the land of the rising sun

The theme of SIBOS this year is definitely going to be about Asia and, specifically, Japan. I first visited Japan in 1997, when it was at its peak of global supremacy. The mood was riding high and everything was glitz, glamour and gizmos. It is still that today but the shine is slightly less in…


Potential award as Best Financial Blog

OK folks.  Have arrived here in Japan and settled in a little bit.  Waking at 4:30 in the morning for some reason and it is clear that during such early hours there's not a great deal to do except to let you all know that you can vote for the blog in an award sponsored…

An interview with Gottfried Leibbrandt, CEO of SWIFT, about SIBOS 2012

Just in case you didn't see it, the Banker Magazine has an exclusive interview with Gottfried Leibbrandt, CEO of SWIFT, about what to expect at SIBOS 2012 and the company's position in a rapidly changing global landscape.  I'm reproducing it here and would recommend all of you to subscribe to The Banker, if you don't already,…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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