Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Financial Services Club Season, London, Q4 2012

We are pleased to announce details of our Winter Season of meetings of the Financial Services Club, London.  If you would like to attend any of the meetings, please go to the and register.   Tuesday, September 25 2012  Alex : 25 years of satirising the City Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor, creators of…

Banks biggest opportunities lie in emerging markets

I just received a report from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on new bank models based upon different styles of banking in emerging markets. According to the report, the BRIC economies and their brethren will account for 35% of global assets by 2016, up from 24% today and just 10% in 2004.   Emerging market banks are growing…

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The World’s Global Language is English

I started another debate yesterday after saying that English is the global language. It is. It is not the largest spoken language – that’s Mandarin Chinese – but it is the largest global language spoken across borders thanks to the internet. English is spoken as a second or foreign language by an estimated 950 million…

FT English

STP will only happen if it has a regulatory mandate

I didn’t mean to make this a series of articles, but it has become one. After discussing TQM and BPR, then getting into STP, today it is the turn of ISO. It’s not actually me having a pop at ISO, but the fact that discussions have been on-going about STP for so long, and now I…

Have banks lost IT?

Further to yesterday’s dialogue around TQM, I got into a conversation with a couple of folks about the fact that we don’t have real STP, Straight Through Processing, in most financial firms. One senior manager said that he had started focusing upon STP back in the 1970s and couldn’t believe that, thirty years later, we…

When TQM means Totally Quack Management

When I was growing up in business, there weren’t many management gurus around.  In fact, I think there was just one: Peter Drucker. Drucker was the book for every student of management. He was it. Then I moved into industry and another book came out: In Search of Excellence. This one was by Tom Peters…

Britain: a nation of whiners (except during the Olympics)

Which? Magazine stirred up the old debate about free banking yesterday, by publishing a report which shattered the image of free banking being free. They asked over 2,000 consumers how they felt about banks and more than 60% of those surveyed said they had paid a bank charge that they thought was "unfair, hidden or disproportionate"….

In whom do we trust?

One of the reoccurring conversations in banking is trust. I’ve blogged about it many times, and it’s a point that arises in almost every conversation about how banks prosper. There are two sorts of trust here however. Trust in banks to do the right thing, and trust in banks to manage our money with accuracy….

Can our banking system achieve the Olympic dream?

The Olympic Games have ended. What will we do now? Back to reality? Back to LIBOR fixes, money laundering scandals and selling products you weren’t supposed to sell to muppets who weren’t meant to buy them? Or keeping the good cheer and positive moment and moving onwards and upwards? This is the theme of most…


Can banks mind control with video tests?

I was amused to read the story about Barclays Bank making all of their staff watch a video about how not to rig interest rates recently. This followed the LIBOR scandal, and is a 12 minute piece to camera starring interim Barclays CEO Rich Ricci, Bob Diamond’s other right hand man at the bank after…

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Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser