Case Studies
British bank has a third of its customers’ accounts hacked
We’ve seen some pretty strong attacks on banks cyberdefences in the past year. Three major incidents in the SWIFT network; 50 at the Federal Reserve; problems at the Bank of England and many other central banks; a major incident at the Danish payment processorNETS; and big banks like HSBC and JPMorgan have all been affected. Admittedly,…

Forget GAFA, the real threat is FATBAG
I’ve blogged a few times about GAFA – Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon – as the worrisome Gang of Four. Sure, we can worry about them, but the thing is to stop worrying and do something. Australian banks decide to stop Apple by taking them to court; British banks would rather partner with all of them;…

An overdraft … is that someone who checks your first draft?
I got into a conference this week (for a change) where the presenter of a roboadvising wealth manager got into a bit of a Q&A scuffle with an audience member. Felix Niederer, founder and CEO of Zurich-based start-up True Wealth showed the stats for their customers. Most of them are over 30, and the real…

The developer-driven bank
Building on yesterday’s blog (Do bank’s need a CIO?) , the key misunderstanding is the role. Most banks thing the CIO is there to run the technology. They’re not. That’s what they used to do. That’s not the job for the future. First and foremost, the person leading technology developments in any incumbent bank of…

An interview with Ben Milne, Founder and CEO of Dwolla
As my readers will know, I regularly interview innovators of start-ups and banks of how they see the world. These interviews constitute a third of the ValueWeb and Digital Bank books. In the interests of maintaining these case studies, as I find them interesting, I recently met Ben Milne, Founder and CEO of Dwolla. In case you’re…

Sberbank is one of the first to Pikachu
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you may have noticed the rise of Pokémon Go. It’s been in the news everywhere, mainly because kids seem to be gathering in places they shouldn’t. Equally, the game has been responsible for everything from finding dead bodies to resurrecting other ones. Mayhem as rare Pokémon appears in…

#FinTech is all about human-centred design
As you can tell, I found the White House meeting so interesting that I’m gonna bore you about it all week. Today is the turn of how FinTech can make us live smarter, better and more informed lives. That theme resonates as Moven’s strapline is to spend, save and live smarter (guess who came up with that…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser