Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Is Bitcoin the future of money … or are we smoking dope?

Talking with some of the Financial Services Club sponsors last week, it is clear that there is still a debate raging about the future of cash.  Like the future of branches, which both Brett King and I discuss endlessly, cash is one of the other traditional bastions of the old guard of financial servicing. Yet…


Banking as components or integrators

I just spent the day in a payments conference focused upon operational excellence. We talked about Basel III, SEPA, the PSD, Mobile … the usual stuff, but there was a particularly intriguing presentation from Olivier Denecker of McKinsey in the morning session on what operational excellence in payments is all about. I took a whole…

Iceland: where banks are becoming just PFMs

I mentioned I was in Iceland last week, and was interested to find out what the banks were thinking. We only ever hear of Iceland’s woes and troubles, and so the ability to see first-hand what was happening to the banks was one that could not be ignored. According to Wikipedia, there are only a few…

Iceland banks1

Iceland: where banks are becoming just PFMs

I mentioned I was in Iceland last week, and was interested to find out what the banks were thinking. We only ever hear of Iceland’s woes and troubles, and so the ability to see first-hand what was happening to the banks was one that could not be ignored. According to Wikipedia, there are only a few…

Iceland banks1

Massive innovations in payments … not?

Just been through a meeting on payments and all areas of payments from SEPA to Basel III, corporates and trade, risk and liquidity, innovation and change and more. My role was to talk about all things that I see as innovative in payments right now. That’s a long list and so, in the interests of…

How Facebook Credits could replace traditional banking

I just made a comment this week about Facebook Credits being bigger than Amazon by 2020. This was on the back of my favourite stories about Zynga becoming the biggest PayPal merchant in under a year on the back of Facebook games, and how QQ and Second Life currencies have been examples of how virtual currencies can…

How Facebook Credits could replace traditional banking

I just made a comment this week about Facebook Credits being bigger than Amazon by 2020. This was on the back of my favourite stories about Zynga becoming the biggest PayPal merchant in under a year on the back of Facebook games, and how QQ and Second Life currencies have been examples of how virtual currencies can…

How banks can beat the telco’s at the mobile game

In the 1990s, I spent a long time studying bank trends and the future strategies banks and other would take.  The conclusion I came to is that there would be a general cross-industry bank trend, where non-banks would enter banking and, in order to get banking skills, would acquire banks.  The end-game would be that…

Why innovation is so difficult in banks

I said yesterday that the other topic that keeps coming up is innovation. Innovation is something that comes and goes in banking like Chief Executives and Heads of Risk … as in it appears and disappears pretty often. During the build up to the financial crisis, innovation was everywhere. Then it disappeared for a while….

Why innovation is so difficult in banks

I said yesterday that the other topic that keeps coming up is innovation. Innovation is something that comes and goes in banking like Chief Executives and Heads of Risk … as in it appears and disappears pretty often. During the build up to the financial crisis, innovation was everywhere. Then it disappeared for a while….

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser