A glimpse into the future, part five: space
Well, finally we get to the part of this series I’ve been looking forward to writing about the most: space. No longer the final frontier as we’re conquering space fast. From landing explorers on Mars to capturing amazing images of Pluto, we have begun our journey to boldly go where no one has gone before. …

A glimpse into the future, part four: the internet of everything
I’ve talked often and in depth about the internet of things and how this affects banking. In the near future, when each of us has five, six, eight, ten things on the internet, we will be seeing a world where trillions of transactions take place amongst billions of things in real-time, not-stop and in very small…

Jack Dorsey, Vitalik Buterin, Chris Skinner and all things #Money2020
It’s the end of the first full day of Money 20/20 2016, and it’s been a mixed day starting with a surprisingly packed room for my discussion with Moven, Simple and ING about digital banking. The story of the fish seemed popular (see last week’s blog). Banks are like this fish. @Chris_Skinner #Money2020 pic.twitter.com/iHsR6PiQY7 —…

Four banking business models for the digital age
I spotted a lengthy, but very insightful post, on LinkedIn the other day by Ben Robinson, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for Temenos. I don’t usually highlight such pieces, but felt this worth replicating here, and Ben kindly agreed. Enjoy … Four banking business models for the digital age Digitization of the banking industry is…

Where is the bank’s digital vision?
It’s intriguing to find more and more banks creating digital heads. I meet them regularly, I’m the digital head of retail banking; I’m the digital head of retail business banking; I’m the digital head of the investment bank; I’m the digital head of our transaction banking business; I’m the digital head of our commercial bank;…

The cynical bankers’ trick: show me the money
I’ve spent decades preaching transformation and the easiest way to shut me up is ask: Where’s the business case? This is the question normally asked by the mealy-mouthed cynical financial controlling banker in the audience … They want the spreadsheet showing the cost-benefit analysis and return on investment figures. The problem is that, as anyone…

Who owns the customer in the internet of things?
I’ve been talking the internet of things for a while as, after all, The ValueWeb is the internet of value that underpins the internet of things. A key concept of the internet of value is how it supports your television, car, fridge, shoes, phone, computer and your partners’ and chidlrens’ things to buy and transact. …

How do governments regulate a networked world?
Following on from yesterday’s blog about Little Britain and a hard Brexit, we all know the world has been globalising and, even though there is currently a backlash against globalisation per se, it is unstoppable. It is unstoppable primarily because of technology. The whole planet is now on the network. Seven billion people have access…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology
Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive
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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser