Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Who owns the customer?

It is unbelievable how many times I hear the cry “who owns the customer?” being raised by bankers, particularly during discussions about mobile telephony. Their concern is that the mobile carriers are trying to take over the customer relationship, with the result that the bank becomes a back-end commodity. It’s not just confined to mobile…

Playing the China card

Back in 2006 I toured around Asia discussing the rise of Indian and Chinese banks and the fact that, before the end of the decade, Chinese banks would dominate the top tier of banks globally. The analysis also formed the opening chapters of my book, as well as several other research reports. The origin of…

Kapron Asia

Playing the China card

Back in 2006 I toured around Asia discussing the rise of Indian and Chinese banks and the fact that, before the end of the decade, Chinese banks would dominate the top tier of banks globally. The analysis also formed the opening chapters of my book, as well as several other research reports. The origin of…

Kapron Asia

Playing the China card

Back in 2006 I toured around Asia discussing the rise of Indian and Chinese banks and the fact that, before the end of the decade, Chinese banks would dominate the top tier of banks globally. The analysis also formed the opening chapters of my book, as well as several other research reports. The origin of…

Kapron Asia

The biggest barrier is our legacy mentality

On regular occasions I talk about disruptive models of banking and payments, such as complementary currencies, the new European Exchanges, Paypal, Zopa and SmartyPig. The aim is to illustrate that there is the potential to do banking without banks. This is not to say that I believe people want to do banking in a different…

Should we challenge our trust in money?

Payments is an area that has a positive vibe in banking as 'Transaction Services' – the payments processing part of a bank – is one of the more profitable and reliable businesses right now.  I don't think this will happen, but could even this be threatened by the loss of confidence people feel with banks…


Should we challenge our trust in money?

Payments is an area that has a positive vibe in banking as 'Transaction Services' – the payments processing part of a bank – is one of the more profitable and reliable businesses right now.  I don't think this will happen, but could even this be threatened by the loss of confidence people feel with banks…


A great time for words

It’s been a great week for men of words in the banking system to come clean and tell their stories of mistakes and errors. It started with Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labour under Bill Clinton, stating that: “The idea of a self regulating market seems quaint if not outright ludicrous in the wake of…

A great time for words

It’s been a great week for men of words in the banking system to come clean and tell their stories of mistakes and errors. It started with Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labour under Bill Clinton, stating that: “The idea of a self regulating market seems quaint if not outright ludicrous in the wake of…

A great time for words

It’s been a great week for men of words in the banking system to come clean and tell their stories of mistakes and errors. It started with Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labour under Bill Clinton, stating that: “The idea of a self regulating market seems quaint if not outright ludicrous in the wake of…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser