Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 1st June 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Saxo Bank becomes first bank to earn a Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) STAR Level 2 for its investment infrastructure as a service offering BNY Mellon Sets Up Crypto Unit in Ireland as Central Bank Says Bitcoin Is ‘of Great Concern’ Singapore’s DBS Bank launches digital bond security token UK’s…

Things worth reading: May 31st, 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Counting the personal cost: when axing bank branches doesn’t add up Banks block payments to crypto exchanges Fed Admonishes Deutsche Bank for Ongoing Compliance Failures Fed Warned Deutsche Bank Over Anti-Money-Laundering Backsliding Banking regulations to be reviewed after winding down of Wyelands Bank Bank of Ireland moves Aine McCleary…

The Finanser’s Week: 24th May 2021- 30th May 2021

The main blog discussions this week include … We are the Robots I’ve claimed for some time that machines cannot do what humans do, because they have no heart. They purely do what we program them to do. True. Yet if you watch movies from Ex Machina to Terminator, machines can turn to do what…

Things worth reading: 28th May 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Bank transfer scammers steal £700,000 a day from UK victims Is your bank prepared to attract a tech-focused workforce? Digital Bank Upstarts Are Years Away From Profits in Hong Kong Investors criticize high pay at the new feel-good Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank may ditch EY as its auditor after…

Things worth reading: 27th May 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Who Wants a Woke Bank? US banks accused of failing the public during Covid Stampede for digital currency poses a threat to our banking system Dominic Cummings’s explosive claim about the Bank of England Getting The Big Banks To Confront The Quantum Challenge HSBC withdraws from US retail banking…

Things worth reading: 26th May 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Ricky Knox departs Tandem, as digital bank takes new path In 2008, he was CEO of the biggest bank to ever fail. He’s worried about another crisis Big Bank CEOs to be grilled by Congress on drop in loans, diversity and ‘woke capitalism’ Deutsche Bank to move another 100…

Things worth reading: 25th May 2021

Things we’re reading today include … A Deutsche Bank toilet drama is still impacting careers HSBC and Barclays call for open banking reform over higher costs Bitcoin shrugs off bank chief’s doubts Mario Draghi Helps Pave Way for Italian Bank Mergers Italian bank collapses on exposure to Greensill and GFG Abrupt exit of Polish bank…

Things worth reading: 24th May 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Chinese bank executives know more about Jane Austen than I do, says Jane Austen Society president NatWest faces ‘significant’ damage to reputation as it becomes first bank to appear in court on criminal charges over money laundering Europe’s biggest bank charged with laundering ‘ill-gotten’ funds for African dictator NatWest…

The Finanser’s Week: 17th May 2021- 23rd May 2021

This week’s main blog discussions include … Who is BIG NUTS ASS? I woke up and, as usual, checked the banking app for any updates or changes. There was a payment received.  Quite a major payment. It came from BIG NUTS ASS*. BIG NUTS ASS*? Who is BIG NUTS ASS*? I have no idea. I…

Things worth reading: 21st May 2021

Things we’re reading today include … Bitcoin has moved from trendy to tacky, says Deutsche Bank analyst Powell advances Fed consideration of US central bank digital currency Can Shareholder Action Influence Bank Policy On The Climate? Deutsche Bank is ‘first’ to join ocean protection alliance Turn green or lose ‘licence to operate’, says Deutsche Bank…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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