Digital Bank
Bankers are cavemen or cool? #ebaday
I've just attended EBAday for the first time in a few years, and it's an interesting conference. Like a mini-SIBOS for Europe, the major focus is on regulations, specifically the Payment Services Directive II, and the bank's response. However, in order to kick things off, the EBA (Euro Bank Association, not European Bank Authority) invited…
It’s better to own disruption than be eaten by it
As mentioned yesterday, banks are not sleeping ostriches but are very awake to the digital revolution. In fact, many are investing in that revolution with four incumbent banks standing out on my radar for their investments in these efforts. The first of these is Sberbank, mainly because two friends of mine are running their venture…
Incumbent banks are not sleeping … they’re planning
I find it interesting that so many commentators write about banks being head-in-the-sand ostriches, ignoring the need to close branches and being slow to innovate. I DISAGREE! Banks are slow to change, but they are not slow to innovate. Banks in many economies can see the decline in branch usage and are actively closing branches…
Becoming a Digital Bank: Evolution or Revolution?
A question that comes up regularly is should the bank evolve to a new digital model, or does it need to bite the bullet and transform? Evolution or revolution? That’s a question that only the bank’s CEO and management team can answer, and needs to consider: the current state of the bank; its ability to…
Amazon vs IBM, Google vs BMW … digital disrupts everything
I’ve not been surprised by disruptions in industries like music, movies, books and travel. All of these things can be digitised and have been. Music has been disrupted three times: first illegal downloads with Napster; then with legal downloads through iTunes; and now who needs downloads when you can stream with Spotify (which is why…
Digital Bank (revised) is released today
Last October I published Digital Bank via Amazon. I was pretty pleased with it, and it got some good reviews: “I can honestly say this is one of the best books that I've read on the subject matter around what constitutes banking in the present, past and future.” David Brear, Digital Banking Director, Gartner Group “I…
Digital Bank (revised) is released today
Last October I published Digital Bank via Amazon. I was pretty pleased with it, and it got some good reviews: “I can honestly say this is one of the best books that I've read on the subject matter around what constitutes banking in the present, past and future.” David Brear, Digital Banking Director, Gartner Group “I…
Digital Finance is not the same everywhere
I’ve just been doing a roadshow of events that focus upon Digital Finance with Sitecore, a software development company focused upon digital customer experiences. During the roadshow, they’ve been presenting research in the four countries of focus – Finland, France, Italy and Poland – of how electronic channels and customer relationships are changing. The research…