Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Digital Bank

Banks told to watch out for small competitors

So I was going to write a long blog about SWIFT today, but it makes more sense to post that one tomorrow after seeing this report by Richard Meadows, a journalist for Fairfax Media who publish New Zealand's popular papers The Dominion Post and The Press, as well as the popular news website Stuff. The write-up covers my keynote at PaymentsNZ,…

When we have component-based banking, what happens to the regulator?

I often talk about component-based banking, most recently in this four-part series in August: Part One: Banking on Demand – the Bank in the Cloud Part Two: Banking on Demand – the Open Sourced Bank Part Three: Banking on Demand – the Customer Focused Bank Part Four: Banking on Demand – the Component-Based Bank but…

When we have component-based banking, what happens to the regulator?

I often talk about component-based banking, most recently in this four-part series in August: Part One: Banking on Demand – the Bank in the Cloud Part Two: Banking on Demand – the Open Sourced Bank Part Three: Banking on Demand – the Customer Focused Bank Part Four: Banking on Demand – the Component-Based Bank but…

Mobile, tablet, digital, wearable … what’s next?

Everyone’s getting excited about wearable banking.  I’m often asked about it, and also see many examples appearing around such themes. The first was Banco Sabadell offering a Google Glass banking app a year ago.  In response, one of Sabadell’s Spanish bank competitors, Caixa, has gone a step further and launched both Glass and Watch apps . …

The friction of the old versus new models of finance

Everything is moving from C2C via B2B to P2P.  I hate all those TLAs, but it puts the context of what’s occurring in our world quite nicely.   The core of this change is articulated best by the bitcoin community who believe we do not need a trusted third party to exchange value these days.  The…


Banking is going through a sea change … can the tanker turn around?

I noted the disconnect between the bank community and the technology community sometime ago in my Red Pill moment, and as the year passes it becomes more and more obvious to me that we are going through a sea change in finance. Almost every day, I encounter a new start-up who wants to change some…


The three things you need to be a Digital Bank

As mentioned last week, I delivered a keynote at the DreamForce conference.  As it has been shared online, I’ll share it here. The slides … Digital bank latest – october from Chris Skinner The video (my bit starts at 10m33s) … If you can’t see it easily, the summary is this (taken from the review…

The three things you need to be a Digital Bank

As mentioned last week, I delivered a keynote at the DreamForce conference.  As it has been shared online, I’ll share it here. The slides … Digital bank latest – october from Chris Skinner The video (my bit starts at 10m33s) … If you can’t see it easily, the summary is this (taken from the review…

Maybe it’s not so Simple, after all

For some time, I’ve banged on about banks must redesign for a digital core.  It’s no longer a world that can live in a batch overnight update, when real-time everything is here. This has been shown again and again by outages, and all of the incumbent banks are struggling to move from old world to…

US Digital Bank Book Launch

We are launching Digital Bank officially in the USA over the next few weeks. September 23rd (Tuesday) in New York; October 2nd (Thursday) in Boston; and October 14th (Tuesday) in San Francisco. If any of my American readers want to come, the official invite is below and just contact us to request attendance. Tuesday 6:00 – 8:00 PM…

Chris Skinner: Digital Bank, part of FinTech Week

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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