Digital Bank
Why the blockchain will radically alter our futures
There’s an interesting debate about blockchains, sidechains and identity taking place that is emergent right now but, soon, will be mainstream. For those who are unclear about these things, blockchain is the technology protocol invented by Satoshi Nakamoto with bitcoin, although it doesn’t have to be based upon bitcoin. The blockchain allows you to create…
Talk about ‘access’ rather than ‘channel’
I’ve written quite a lot about my disdain for the use of the word channel, multichannel and omnichannel, and some people asked me: so what should we call it then? I’ve written about this too but, to be exact, we should call it Access. Augmented Access, Proximate Access, Intelligent Access or whatever phrase you want,…
Digital channels are just lipstick on a pig
I just sat through a nice presentation from Cognizant President Prasad Chintamaneni at the CEB Summit in Boston … … and was pleased to see others referring to channels and front-end investments as sticking lipstick on a pig. Something I’ve been saying for a while, as you have to re-engineer the core to be fit…
What is Chris smoking? Of course, we’re being disrupted!
Just to finish off my contention that banking is not being disrupted, just evolved or adapted if you prefer, it’s worth a thought about what would it take to cause a disruption. First, I don’t think of disruption in a dictionary sense but in the sense that Clayton Christensen meant it in the book The…
I didn’t say that banks are “too big to be disrupted” but “too regulated to be disrupted”
Quite often, with attribution, I let other websites cut and paste this blog onto their own. American Banker did that recently but changed the title of the blog from The reports of my bank's death are greatly exaggerated to Like Airlines and Pharma, Banking’s Too Big to Disrupt*. In so doing, the intent of the original…
Banks without a digital core will fail
Building on the discussion of data being key to disruption, I often use the phrase ‘digital core’ in this context. Therefore, I was intrigued when someone asked for a definition of a ‘digital core’ and one of the replies was there isn’t a core anymore. I wondered what they meant and, in explanation, they referred to…
Bank Fintech worries are obvious … solutions are not as clear
I just finished presenting on Digital Bank strategies and Fintech, and was asked a wide range of questions: How do we transform our legacy structures? What is the biggest obstacle to becoming a digital bank You mention partnerships but all cooperative structures failed in the past, how can we succeed in the future? Can you…
Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?
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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology
Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive
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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens
Alex at the Financial Services
Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser